Lahore, January 15, 2025: Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz launched the Talented Scholars Program for the Gujranwala Division, distributing scholarship cheques to the top 10 female students from various universities. Addressing her critics, she stated that after five years of accusations, no evidence had been presented to support claims of corruption. She emphasized that she had never incited unrest or violence.
Maryam Nawaz inaugurated the scholarship program at Government College University in Sialkot and also presented cheques to top students from Sialkot University. Emotional moments arose when two students, Alina and Nayab Fatima, shared their personal stories. The Chief Minister promised to support Nayab’s cancer-stricken mother and even took a selfie with her.
The event included a Guard of Honor for the students and a portrait presentation from Fine Arts students. A total of 1,947 students from Gujranwala Division will receive scholarships worth 89.8 million rupees, alongside awards for 1,276 public university students, 481 college students, 112 from private institutions, and 78 from medical colleges.
In her speech, Maryam Nawaz called the program the largest of its kind in Pakistan, emphasizing that all scholarships were awarded on merit. She announced plans to extend the program to second- and third-year students and reaffirmed her commitment to ensuring no student in Punjab is deprived of education. She also highlighted upcoming distributions of laptops and electric bikes to students.
Concluding, she stated that politics should be about service, emphasizing her focus on public service over violence and division. She also praised the country’s economic recovery, citing rising remittances, a booming stock market, and lower inflation.