Mumbai, January 26, 2025: Bollywood icon Deepika Padukone made a dazzling return to the spotlight after her maternity break, gracing the ramp for celebrated designer Sabyasachi’s 25th anniversary fashion show. The actress, who has been cherishing time with her newborn daughter, Dua, chose this milestone event as her first project post-motherhood.
Deepika opened the show in a striking ensemble that exuded elegance and power. She donned white tailored pants, a matching top, and a trench coat, complemented by opulent layered jewelry, including a ruby and diamond choker and cross-pendant. Her look was further elevated with black leather gloves adorned with bracelets, and a chic headband that completed her stunning transformation.
Fans and celebrities alike celebrated her return, with social media abuzz with admiration. Comments poured in, calling her “The ultimate queen,” “MOTHER,” and “truly the queen.” Many even drew comparisons to legendary actress Rekha, noting a resemblance in Deepika’s radiant presence and timeless beauty.
The event, attended by Bollywood’s elite, marked not only a celebration of Sabyasachi’s legacy but also Deepika’s triumphant return to her craft, leaving no doubt that she continues to reign as one of the industry’s most iconic figures.