Islamabad, February 27, 2025: The Capital Development Authority (CDA) Mazdoor Union has announced its strong opposition to the proposed privatization of Capital Hospital, vowing to resist the move through protests and legal action if necessary.
Union leaders, including General Secretary Chaudhry Mohammad Yasin and President Aurangzeb Khan, emphasized that Capital Hospital is a vital asset for employees, and any attempt to privatize it should be held accountable.
The union had previously raised its concerns with the CDA Chairman, Member Administration, and Executive Director of Capital Hospital. In a follow-up, they have now formally submitted another letter urging authorities to immediately halt the privatization plan and consult with the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agent) union, the institution’s largest stakeholder.
“The hospital was established to provide healthcare facilities to CDA employees and their families. However, the CDA management now seeks to outsource it without consulting the current CBA union, which is legally required,” the letter stated.
The union warned that privatization would primarily harm lower-income employees, creating widespread anxiety among the workforce. “We appeal to the CDA Chairman and Executive Director of Capital Hospital to reconsider this decision. Instead of outsourcing, efforts should be made to improve hospital facilities with modern equipment and better services.”
The union further declared that if privatization proceeds, it will launch strong protests and pursue all legal avenues to block the move. “Privatization of the hospital will not be accepted under any circumstances. If industrial peace within the institution is disrupted, the responsibility will lie solely with the CDA administration,” the statement concluded.