Okara, January 17, 2025: Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz declared that Al-Qadir University is now under her administration, where she will oversee scholarships and focus on fostering religious education. Speaking at an event in Okara, Maryam took the opportunity to criticize PTI founder Imran Khan, saying, “Divine justice is at work. He is the first prime minister to be convicted for accepting bribes.”
Maryam contrasted Imran Khan’s actions with the legacy of her father, Nawaz Sharif. “My father served Pakistan for 45 years and was still falsely accused of corruption. Meanwhile, the man who labeled others as thieves has been exposed as a criminal himself,” she said.
She emphasized that Al-Qadir University would promote genuine religious teachings instead of “practices based on superstition.” Highlighting the need for national unity, she said, “Our country cannot endure more division or hatred. Political disagreements should be addressed with logic and civility.”
Maryam also criticized those who incited unrest among the youth. “Children were misled into spreading chaos and attacking police officers. This behavior is unacceptable,” she remarked. She urged the public to support her efforts to bring prosperity to Punjab, attributing her success as chief minister to her parents’ prayers.
At the event, Maryam distributed scholarships to deserving students through the “Honohaar Scholarship Programme.” She praised Punjab Education Minister Rana Sikandar, stating, “He has won the hearts of students across Punjab through his dedication.”
Promising further advancements in education, Maryam announced plans to establish a medical college in Okara. She assured attendees that all scholarships are awarded on merit, adding, “I care for your future as much as I care for my own children.”
Maryam concluded her speech with a commitment to progress, saying, “No matter how challenging the circumstances, we will steer this country toward development and prosperity. The journey to a better Pakistan begins here.”