Mumbai, January 18, 2025: The suspect involved in the stabbing of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been arrested by Railway Police officials in Durg, Chhattisgarh. Aakash Kanojia, the alleged attacker, was apprehended on Saturday after a tip-off was received by the Railway Protection Force (RPF) at Durg railway station. The information was provided by Assistant Police Inspector of Juhu Police Station, Mumbai Police, who had tracked the suspect’s movements.
Upon receiving the intelligence, two teams were deployed at Durg station. When the Jnaneswari Express arrived, Kanojia was identified and taken into custody. The Mumbai Police confirmed the suspect’s identity after a photo was shared with them.
In an update from the actor’s wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, who submitted her statement to the Mumbai Police today, she revealed that the intruder did not disturb the jewelry left out in the house but became extremely aggressive during the confrontation with Saif Ali Khan. This led to a violent struggle, during which the actor was stabbed multiple times.
Multiple CCTV clips showing the attacker have surfaced from various locations around the city. In addition, the auto-rickshaw driver who transported the 54-year-old actor to the hospital has also provided a statement at the Bandra Police Station.
The case has captured nationwide attention as Mumbai Police intensify efforts to investigate and trace any further details. Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan remains hospitalized at Lilavati Hospital, where he has been moved from the ICU to a regular room. Doctors report that he is recovering well and is on a regular diet. It is anticipated that he will be discharged in the next day or two.